Dhi (Pen) Hair Transplantation

Dhi (Pen) Hair Transplantation


The DHI hair transplant method is a hair transplant technique that has been developed and started to be applied in 2016 and its popularity is rapidly increasing.


Another known name is the Pen Method. The word DHI means “Direct Hair Implantation”.


The grafts taken from the donor area with the latest technology device are placed in pens called “Choi” and planted in the planting areas. The biggest advantage of the DHI method is that it provides unshaven hair transplantation.


In the DHI hair transplant method, grafts are taken from the nape area first and are arranged properly in specially prepared solutions. Then they are placed in the pens called “Choi” in order by a team of 3 people and the planting process is carried out in series.


There are important details to be considered in hair transplantation with the pen technique. The first of these is that the tools and devices used are the latest technology and provide personal use.


 Another detail is choosing the most appropriate pen tip according to the size of the grafts of the person during transplantation and placing the grafts in parallel with the natural hair growth type of the person while transplanting.


As Gold Fue Hair Clinic, we also provide hair transplantation service with DHI method.

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