FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Frequently Asked Questions

One of the most important part of the hair transplant process is a natural-looking front hairline and natural-looking hair results. As Gold Fue Hair Clinic, we provide you with 100% natural looking hair with more than 5000 hair transplant experience of our expert team.

Never, Before the operation, hair loss analysis is performed and the maximum number of roots you need is calculated. During the operation is transplant most frequently grafts and a dense, bushy and natural result is obtained.

The transplanted hair starts to grow after 1st month, 50% of hair will be grown after 6 months and the proces is being completed by the end of 12 months all of the hair will be grown, and your hair starts shining.

Our professional team creates hair transplant solutions natural and dense enough to not being noticed by other people for you.

Our made hair transplant is permanent because the transplanted hair follicles are taken from the healthy hair between the ears, and preserved during operation in special solutions and transplanted by our professional team.

Hair transplantation is an operation that lasts between 6 and 8 hours with breaks depending on the condition of the balding areas. Since the operation is performed under local anesthesia and the scalp is anesthetized, you will not feel any pain or discomfort during the operation. You can watch TV, play games or listen to music on your phone.

It is our main priority that our patients receive a healthy and comfortable service. As Gold Fue Hair Clinic, we have been performing more than 5000 successful and highly satisfactory hair transplant surgeries since 2010. We are waiting for you for the most comfortable, top quality and highly satisfied hair results.

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